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Regulations for students studying PhD degree directly in GIBMTE
Please pay close attention to the admission announcements for relevant schedules issued by GIBMTE!

  • Applicants should satisfy one of the following requirements:
  1. New graduates in TMU, whose average academic performance reaches 80 or above, and who have research experiences.
  2. Master students in the College of Biomedical Engineering have already studied and passed all mandatory courses in MS1 and average score reaches 80 or above, and have preliminary research results and research plan for the structure of PhD dissertation.
    ※ For those applying with qualifications from requirement 2, please be sure to pay attention to the schedule. Submit the relevant documents for application before January to avoid missing the application deadline!
  • Required documents:
  1. Application form
  2. Transcripts
  3. Two letters of recommendation by associated professors or above. (including one by advisor if the applicant is a graduate student, and should describe the applicant's research potential)
  4. Study plan for PhD dissertation.
  5. Other publications or inventions
  • The maximum number of students studying PhD degree directly in GIBMTE is limited to 40% of the number of PhD student recruit approved by the Ministry of Education in that academic year and no more than two if the approved recruit is less than five. The number of students studying PhD degree must be approved by institute and college council in January every year and submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs.

  • Students who get approved to study PhD degree directly must study 2 years at least from transferring to PhD and meet “Studying Regulations in GIBMTE” before applying for the exam for PhD graduation.